Well this is nothing special no creativity or anything. I've had a big weekend of entropia. Didn't do anything else really. The "plan" was to install Tomb Raider.... also some tidying, dusting, cleaning and a whole bunch of "usefull" things. Well friday night turned into a fun hunting and missioning evening with an old soc mate in old Hades.... thats the big ass smoking crater to all you new folks out there ;) I cleared some missions for Colonel Briars and we also my first global in years which was 2 parts of female L bear armour. I'm keeping them since I think they top most of my armour and arnt actually a bad colour either. :D On sat I did a weird thing, I more or less decided to clear out most of my stacks in storage. ie that I wasn't really doing much in the way of clothes crafting nowadays so all that went as did anything else folks were buying at Twin. A lot of things went in the TT and I've kept one of each a few things back (just cause I like having random things). There are a bunch of extractors still that had fair markups... but lootius knows if I will ever meet anyone who wants some extractors. Still, I managed to survive Twin just about without running out of memory so I guess I can put off that PC upgrade for a while longer. At then end of it all I had 300ped+ ^_^ which was quite exciting! What's that, about £20? so yeh nice to find hehe. I then went on a bit of an upgrading sesh. I've been trying to work my way up to a Breer m3a... I just ran out of m2a you see and tech-ni-cally I wasn't ready for a m3 yet (had only maxed one skill) but I figured what the heck ;) Yes yes I know some people say "don't go up to a gun till you have maxed it already" but I say where is the fun in that? If I wanted to play that economically I'd ah... er... not play? ;) I was about 97% of the way there with the m2 and 90% with the m3... so a little bit of a down grade actually since I was max 18.5 dmg with the 2 and only 18 with the 3. But the 3 goes up to 20 eventually sooo thats more fun :D I was using a 102 on the 2 but that only does 7 damage. While browsing though I discovered a "hotfoot" amp which does 10, "ah ha!" thinks me well thats too much fun so I whacked that on and now I have a gun that does 27 max as aposed to the 25.5 max I could do before. My ultimate aim of course is to be able to use my 103 again (had to stop after the amp nerf) but to do that I need to get a gun that does a base 24 dmg.... some way off that yet!! Ok technically if I put the hot foot on the 2 I think I'd get a higher dmg but well I wanted to upgrade didn't I? While I was at all this I got a new vivo to replace my dead T10... I was tempted by the adjusted one since I worked out it did more heal per min than the other standard but in the end went with the T10 again. Its going to be some time before I can go higher me thinks.... I then discovered that actually my heal chip and herb box were better than a T10 =_=*** ah well.... random aside, I once mentioned to some work mates about "ball faps" in entropia and they laughed their heads off (apparently fapping means something else in the real world - I wonder if MA knew?) Of mild/medium annoyance is that those new MF "nano" chips essentially down grade my skill 2 levels!!! Grrrr.... in one case, I have a lvl 2 kinetic chip I am maxed on, using the new nano standard I'm not even maxed on a lvl 1 chip!!! >_<*** so yeh, if anyone knows of anywhere I can get some of the old non-nano chips, like a shop or something, please tell me (lvl 2 stuff I think). I also want a Loughrin cutter two please! Today I spent quite a bit of time at Treasure island castle leaching off the ubas who were out hunting bots there. I had a lot of fun with all the uba's and their amazing weaponry and the mega bots and more or less broke even I think and gained 20 pts in robot scanning. Later I went to Orthos for more filter crafting... this is still a black art I am yet to understand but while there I met someone like me! An old player who is max lvl 7! I am max level 9 myself. The annoying thing is, that the friend list seems to have bugged and now I can't work out who she was... I hope I meet her again anyhow. Its rare to meet someone with the same play style as me... there can't be too many of us really.... Over and out Wistrel