Rocktropia <-> Calypso The Mothership MacReady is one of the few warp-ships in the Universe which is crewed and Running 24 hours a day. If you...
Arkadia <-> Calypso Starfinder XXIV is one of the few warp-ships in the Universe which is crewed and Running 24 hours a day. If you haven't...
Enough of our pilots are having issues that I have decided to stop our Scheduled Sub-Warp Services for the next few days. We will still be...
Arkadia, Next Island and Cyrene did not have a team entered in WOF this year. I think it would be great to see all of the new planets entering...
A lot of players struggle with periods of time when they have no goals or directions because unfortunately the mid-level grind can become boring...
[IMG] is proud to announce that our Training Period is over. We have been working hard over the last month or so to build...